Ok, so I may be a little bias, but I do think that I have on my hands one of the cutest Wonderwomen ever. Ruthie especially appreciated Halloween this year, since she got to sample a few more types of candy than she ever has. As new parents, we quickly learned that toddlers don't do well with taffy. Who knew? Ok, maybe most parents with common sense, but that obviously isn't us.

We trick-or-treated, as is tradition, at Aunt Di's with Ruthie's cousins.

Steve calls this Ruthie's White Snake photo, since she is on top of Uncle Pete's white
camero. Yeah, I guess I was busy listening to Young MC and Paula Abdul.

We also went to Halloween With Horses in Parker. Ruthie got to ride a horse.

But more importantly she got a sucker afterwards, so all she wanted to do was stand by the fence, eat her sucker, and kick dirt.
She won't even put the sucker down for the petting zoo. I guess I do have an 'indoor' girl.
She also got to carve a pumpkin with Grandpa. She has to wear her
camo for this heavy duty work.
Camo is courtesy of Grandpa and Marilyn. Definitely not mommy.
OMG, she is so freaking cute!!!
I am so glad to hear that you are still alive!! I haven't seen a post in a while :-) Ruthie is SO dang cute!! I love the costume!! It looks like you guys have been keeping busy!
super cute!!! can i have her? i've got plenty of suckers for her! seriousy my favorite halloween costume!!!
I love her messy face in the white snake picture - was that part of the plan?!? I think you are right - she is the cutest wonderwoman ever! (Drea is the sexiest, but that is a different category, right?)
Best wonder woman ever! Man she is getting so big! She's starting to look more like a little kid and less like a babe.
Oh my goodness she is adorable!
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